Home and kitchen
Here you can find a wide range of different everyday objects for your home!
Wolf lamp user manual
Remove the plywood protection piece from the bottom edge of the lamp and then cut open the cable tie (these parts are for holding the lamp intact during transportation).
The emplacement of the light bulb is done through the bottom side of the lamp. The socket that comes with the lamp should be carefully pulled out from the bottom side of the lamp, whilst gently pulling the layers of the wolfs figure apart. The width of the light bulb should be maximum 46mm.
Use only LED-light bulbs (socket measurement E27)with this lamp. Light bulbs that radiate heat must not be used with this product!
Remove the plywood protection piece from the bottom edge of the lamp and then cut open the cable tie (these parts are for holding the lamp intact during transportation).
The emplacement of the light bulb is done through the bottom side of the lamp. The socket that comes with the lamp should be carefully pulled out from the bottom side of the lamp, whilst gently pulling the layers of the wolfs figure apart. The width of the light bulb should be maximum 46mm.
Use only LED-light bulbs (socket measurement E27)with this lamp. Light bulbs that radiate heat must not be used with this product!
SKU: 6662
, Qty: 1
25,00 €
Kasevineerist kaunis valgusti annab sooja ja hubase valgusega seintele huvitava kujutise.
Sobivad pirnid on max 60W, aga soovitame kasutada LED pirne.
Komplekti kuulub lambisokkel.
Sobivad pirnid on max 60W, aga soovitame kasutada LED pirne.
Komplekti kuulub lambisokkel.
SKU: 7542
, Qty: 3
36,20 €
Uued külmkapimagnetid loodussõpradele. Eriline bambusest magnet Sinu külmikule.
SKU: 7585
, Qty: 52
1,00 €
Mõõdud: 97x97x109 mm
Materjal: vineer, 4 mm
Materjal: vineer, 4 mm
SKU: 1200
, Qty: 4
8,50 €
Armas ja vahva huumoriga veiniklaasihoidja. Toode koosneb kolmest osast: veiniklaasihoidjast, mis on kaunistatud kuue välja lõigatud südamega, riputusauguga sildike "Ema, mina olin tänase tähtpäeva põhjus. Naudime siis täiel rinnal!" ja väike käsitsi peitsitud südameke. Üllata ema emadepäeval või mõnel muul vahval sündmusel
SKU: 6710
, Qty: 15
6,00 €
Eriline ja naturaalne magnet Sinu koju. Kui natuke fantaasiat kasutada, saab magnetid kaunistada ja muuta eriti vahvalt värviliseks.
SKU: 7726
, Qty: 2
1,00 €
A box with finely cut flowers for storing your things. A box with a special design to add something extra to your work desk or add some character to your home.
SKU: 1076
, Qty: 4
7,00 €
A cute box for storing your nick nacks. This box with hearts is perfect to use as a giftbox to make your present even more special.
SKU: 1079
, Qty: 13
4,50 €