Keychain Engraved Zodiac EST VH06

SKU: 6506
Unit: tk
Qty: 7
5,90 €
Qty.: - +
   - or -   
1. Jäär
2. Sõnn
3. Kaksikud
4. Vähk
5. Lõvi
6. Neitsi
7. Kaalud
8. Skorpion
9. Ambur
10. Kaljukits
11. Veevalaja
12. Kalad
A handcrafted juniper keychain is a perfect gift and souvenir. In addition to the smooth design it also smells great. The keychain is made more special by an engravement with a bit of humour or wisdom.

PS! The shapes of the keychains may vary because they are handcrafted.

To get a keychain with the text you want, please add the number and text of the keychain to your order.
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