Earrings "Horse" KÕ91

SKU: 5563
Unit: kmpl
Qty: 2
6,00 €
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An accessory for each occasion. Our plywood earrings have the advantage of being lite and natural. You don´t have to be worried that your ears will be tired after a long day from wearing these beauties. You can add your own flavour and vision by colouring and decorating these earrings according to season, fashion or your mood. A perfect companion for every life occasion!
Pikkus 55
Laius 56
Kõrgus 3
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An accessory for each occasion. Our plywood earrings have the advantage of being lite and natural. You don´t have to be worried that your ears will be tired after a long day from wearing these beauties. You can add your own flavour and vision by colouring and decorating these earrings according to season, fashion or your mood. A perfect companion for every life occasion!
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An accessory for each occasion. Our plywood earrings have the advantage of being lite and natural. You don´t have to be worried that your ears will be tired after a long day from wearing these beauties. You can add your own flavour and vision by colouring and decorating these earrings according to season, fashion or your mood. A perfect companion for every life occasion!
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An accessory for each occasion. Our plywood earrings have the advantage of being lite and natural. You don´t have to be worried that your ears will be tired after a long day from wearing these beauties. You can add your own flavour and vision by colouring and decorating these earrings according to season, fashion or your mood. A perfect companion for every life occasion!
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